Thursday, February 5, 2015

Note to Self on a Cold Day

It's ok that it's sunny outside but you feel cold in your heart toward yourself. You're getting through it. This is not depression as you once knew it, in fact it's not depression at all. And it's not gonna be. Breathe.

It's ok that the nasties in your head are back with a vengeance. You can tolerate them. You can love yourself in between their curses. Some might think you're crazy if they got inside here, but you're just human. Breathe.

It's ok, this constant agitation in your chest. You're getting through it. It won't kill you. It might relent a little if you soften around it. Breathe.

It's ok that you still feel angry after the softening, inside the softening. Keep moving through it. There's something more true underneath, and you can let go a little when you get there. Breathe.

Stay. This. Course.
You. Are. Ok.


Snicker said...

Love this , thankyou. Needed this

Sarah said...

I hear you. Thank you for letting us inside. Those days or moments are so tough. I've been putting together a list of messages that can get through to me when I'm in that difficult space - sort of like antidotes, I guess! I've been thinking of them like spiritual first aid☺

Post Martinista said...

Obviously important to honour the darkness and the yuck. But equally important to do some of theses pleasurable things too..Elisha has a wonderful list:

Jerry Shoot said...

I very much liked what you wrote on the cold day in February. For me it shows real insight into the mind of one who is suffering. I shall take those words to heart. Thank you. Jerry