Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I Forgive Myself For...

I forgive myself for getting up four minutes after my alarm went off.
I forgive myself for scrambling to work when I only got up four minutes late.
I forgive myself for not getting up a half hour earlier every day.
I forgive myself for not going to bed earlier so I can get up earlier.

I forgive myself for rushing.
I forgive myself for not eating breakfast.
I forgive myself for being late because I did eat breakfast.
I forgive myself for oatmeal only, no fruit.

I forgive myself for the waiting bus driver. And the car behind him.
I forgive myself forgetting my kid's most important vitamin.
I forgive myself not forcing veggies at lunch.
I acknowledge myself for millions of veggies soups for dinner.

I forgive myself for doting on my girls too much.
I forgive myself for the times I feel I don't dote enough.
I forgive losing myself.
I appreciate every time I find myself again.

Got some stuff you can forgive yourself for today?....