Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Aching For My Authentic Self

I sit for hours staring at the blank screen, wondering what to say without fully saying it, believing that all of me is “too much.” But eventually I explode with endless stories and reflections and feelings all calling for expression, and this burning inner reminder that authenticity is all there is.

As I slowly drop into that core truth, a past writing teacher presents herself in the forefront of my awareness. She had pulled me out of class, and in the dim hallway of the retreat centre had said, “I want you to leave here with a project.”

I said, “I haven’t a clue what that could be.”
She replied, “Write about what’s right in front of you.”
I said, “My daughter is right in front of me.”
She said, “Write about your daughter.”

And so I had. And so had begun to emerge the deepest creativity I had ever known. I began to ache to touch what is real within me, and to stay there and twirl in there, even if it feels like spinning.

I continue to ache to drop down, and at the same time my impulse is often to run away. I ache to be in the groove of writing and to fear nothing. I ache for creativity to be birthed in joy and hope now, not to have her only bleed out from darkness.

I invite you to continue to join me here, in places where our journeys intersect, in discovering what you ache for and your unique baby steps to connect to living the deepest desires that emanate from your most authentic self.