Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Message to Self on a Grey Day

Assume nothing.
Radically assume nothing.

Let go of the assumption that someone is thinking negatively about you.
Let go of worry about your child's future.

If you must assume, assume only the best.

Let go of the grip of the heavy sky.
Let go of fears about the long winter ahead.
Let go of entitlement--yours and others'.

If you must hold onto something, make it something you can control in this moment. Then move on.

Let go of the assumptions darkness feeds you.
Let go of the hardest hour of your day.

Let go of the assumption that order is good.
Tickle chaos.

Allow chaos to elude you and guide you at once.
Touch his wisdom even though you can't see it yet.

Assume nothing, I say to myself, on a day filled with rapid-fire assumptions.
Radically assume nothing.


Unknown said...

Wow! Great post! Definitely needed for today.

Micheila said...

Oh yes, how I relate to this. How we all can. A viscerally stirring statement/verse/poem/plea/promise, Melissa! <3

Unknown said...

I love this. I love your writing Melissa. I relate to your words wholeheartedly.

Ritika said...

Thanks for this. So much in here that resonates. It's hard to learn to let go...

Melissa Dawn Melnitzer, MD said...

Thanks so much, lovely ladies for joining me here and got your kind comments.

Melissa Dawn Melnitzer, MD said...

For not got--oy!!

Post Martinista said...

I like:
"Let go of the assumption that someone is thinking negatively about you."
and I want to translate it into:
"Let go of the part of me that is thinking negatively about myself."
and ask that part to stop.
and further translate it to:
"I deserve to enjoy myself. I deserve to enjoy fully being me. I don't have to spend so much time scanning myself for mistakes--that's unfair!!"

Melissa Dawn Melnitzer, MD said...

I hear you, Post Martinista!

Snicker said...

Needed to read this on our third overcast day in a row